Basking in the Glow
Rick Koehler
The first time I painted this scene it was a plein air piece that was 14x11. At a later time, I painted it in the studio at 24x18. The area behind the barns is actually a hillside that climbs up to the treeline behind it. I obviously did not render it very well and the painting languished in the gallery and did not sell.
So I brought it back to see if I could salvage it from the dumpster. The first painting is the original version. The second one I changed many colors and values of the scene, but the hillside was still there. I sent it out to my painting group, the Hog Bristles, asking for opinions. One of my friends said that I needed to work on ‘the field’ behind the barns. I said to myself, what field? Then I saw it.
So I decided to render it more accurately as a field of crops, which also added a great deal of depth to the scene. I downplayed the little (and unimportant) building to the left and added the fence to mentally separate the field from the grassy area. Thanks Phil, I think it works better now!