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710 Floral
Terrace Park, OH

(513) 687-0033

Oil on canvas plein air paintings, primarily of Michigan and Ohio scenes, completed by the artist, Rick Koehler.


Enjoy personal testaments and lessons learned on Rick Koehler's journey of capturing moments in time and turning them into long lasting impressions through oil on canvas. 

Morning Clouds

Rick Koehler

Quick, what color are clouds?

Everyone answered white, am I right. I said the same thing just a couple of years ago. But then you listen to these incredible artists, and you see things in a new light, no pun intended. Clouds have warm gray, blue-gray, yellow, orange, purple, pink and more! Isn’t that incredible. So the next time you’re looking out your windshield, look closer than you ever have before, and you’ll start to see colors you’ve never paid any attention to before. It’s quite amazing!

Morning Clouds. available here :
