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710 Floral
Terrace Park, OH

(513) 687-0033

Oil on canvas plein air paintings, primarily of Michigan and Ohio scenes, completed by the artist, Rick Koehler.


Enjoy personal testaments and lessons learned on Rick Koehler's journey of capturing moments in time and turning them into long lasting impressions through oil on canvas. 

Still Learning...

Nicole Palmer

Who would have thought that at the age of 71, I would be trying my hand at something new. One of my sons has suggested to me that ‘this is the year to be BOLD’. So, I am going to listen to that advice.

I am becoming more and more comfortable with the new medium I am using, which is Gouache. Where oil paints can take up to a week to dry, gouache will dry in just minutes. The good news is that you can go back over it as many times as you wish, almost immediately, until you are satisfied with the result. With oils, I may have to wait a week or more before I can go back in, and fix something I don’t like.

The pieces below are 5”x5” and 5”x7”. For now, they are studies of larger paintings which I completed some time in the past few years. At the moment, these are not for sale but I dropped them into a frame just to see what they might look like.

Hope they brighten your day!