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710 Floral
Terrace Park, OH

(513) 687-0033

Oil on canvas plein air paintings, primarily of Michigan and Ohio scenes, completed by the artist, Rick Koehler.


Enjoy personal testaments and lessons learned on Rick Koehler's journey of capturing moments in time and turning them into long lasting impressions through oil on canvas. 

Eleven Years..

Nicole Palmer

Excerpt from Jeff Bezos Letter to the Shareholders 2018

A woman wanted to learn how to do handstands, so she hired a coach to teach her how to do this acrobatic move. Her coach said, “Most people believe that if they work hard, they should be able to master a handstand in about two weeks. The reality is that it takes about six months of daily practice. If you think you should be able to do it in two weeks, you’re just going to end up quitting.

Bezos went on to say, ”Unrealistic beliefs on scope – often hidden and undiscussed – kill high standards. To achieve high standards yourself….you need to form and proactively communicate realistic beliefs about how hard something is going to be – something this coach understood well.”

I have painted for almost eleven years now, yet when I painted this buoy recently, I was totally ‘geeked out’. How long did it take me to paint that buoy? Eleven years! Blow it up and check it out. It took six colors to make the buoy and its reflection. I had no idea of that, eleven years ago.
